




Bulk products

SALfresh® is a 100% natural triglyceride salmon oil produced without any chemical additives and only by a mechanical separation of the oil from the raw material. The crude oil is produced within 75 minutes from the fish is alive which gives very little oxidation and an optimal starting point before further processing.

SALfresh® Refined
Through a careful and gentle refining process without any use of chemicals, the salmon oil is converted into an oil with neutral smell and taste. The refining process removes any small environmental contaminants left in the oil which enables the oil to comply with all regulatory requirements worldwide. This product is called SALfresh® Refined, available in 190 kg drums.

Private label products

SALfresh® Citrus
This is a blend of our salmon oil and wild fish oil. The blend is added a natural citrus flavour and a sweetener and is the basis for a liquid product that can be filled in various size bottles or pipette units. Volumes are based on minimum batch of 400 L.

SALfresh® Chewables
This product is made from our SALfresh® Citrus blend with citrus and sweetener and filled in chewable capsules. Based on customer preferences, the capsules are then blister packed in order to provide a product suitable for further packaging and retail deliveries. The chewables are especially popular among children and provide them with a delightful taste of a healthy fish oil supplement. Volumes are based on minimum batch of two drums, which is 760.000 capsules each of 500 mg.
